Accident prevention protections

Fencing system for perimeter protection / accident prevention shelters consisting of upright and modular panels connected to each other for quick assembly. The safety protection systems are suitable in all industrial fields and applications for customary defined use, in all protections for systems and machines and for safety in places and work areas and are manufactured in compliance with international standards.

The modular protection systems allow considerable savings in the costs of the fence and a significant reduction in assembly times. All systems are adaptable and customizable according to the needs of the workplace or the assembly line in terms of length, height and type of protection and comply with the following standards:

  • International Standard UNI EN ISO 14120: 2015 Safety of machinery - Guards - General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
  • International Standard UNI EN ISO 13857: 2008 Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent the reaching of dangerous areas with the upper and lower limbs


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The panels can be made with galvanized or painted steel wire mesh, or in polycarbonate, pvc, dibond, etc. They can be extracted for speed on maintenance operations, fixed in the groove or with special blocks with screws.
Frame Panels: 1000 x 2000mm modular standard.
Mesh: 30 x 30 x 3 or similar in case of net structure
Painting: Epoxy-polyester powder (for indoor use only) of any Ral
Posts: 45 x 45, 45 x 90 or 90 x 90 mm profile for the uprights. Floor fixing of different types

For a free and no obligation quote for any type of conveyor belt, you can contact our Sales Department and discuss the technical specifications you need or send your request directly from our contact page.